… Environmental Sustainability Board We are facing a climate emergency. As a city we need to act now to reduce direct and indirect carbon emissions to net zero. We need to prepare and adapt to deal with the projected impacts of climate change. In the One City Plan, Bristol committed to becoming carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2030. To achieve this, over the next decade, we need…
… studies that inform this strategy are: 1. A scope 1 and 2 baseline and gap analysis. This sets out the baseline, historic trends, as well as the trajectory from actions that are already planned or in place and the trajectory to meet the UK national net zero target by 2050. 2. Total business emissions study. This was an assessment of scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions associated with business…
… activities in Bristol. It is based on the UK total scaled down according to Gross Value Added of industry sectors in Bristol. 3. Household consumption emissions study. This was a study, based on expenditure, of direct (in city) and indirect (out of city) emissions associated with the production of goods and services consumed within households in Bristol. 4. Net zero by 2030 scope 1 and 2…
… study. This study provides a detailed look at emissions from Bristol’s use of energy, transport and waste management in the city and actions needed to get to net zero by 2030. 5. Preliminary climate resilience study. This comprised a high- level analysis of the city’s hazard exposure along with addressing vulnerability of the city’s key physical, social and economic assets to physical…
… and air travel (scope 3). Building on the baseline in study 1, study 4 analyses the scale and nature of changes needed in the city to reach net zero scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030. It details the conditions required to secure those changes, and outlines the actions likely to be required to create these conditions. Studies 3 and 4 highlight the scale of the challenge for Bristol to achieve…