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Belfast City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… A Net-Zero Carbon Roadmap For Belfast A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST Andy Gouldson, Andrew Sudmant, Jessica Boyd, Robert Fraser Williamson, John Barry & Amanda Slevin BELFAST CLIMATE COMMISSION Please reference as: Gouldson, A., Sudmant, A., Boyd, J., Williamson, R., Barry, J., and Slevin, A. (2020) A Net-Zero Carbon…

… Roadmap for Belfast, Belfast Climate Commission/ Place-Based Climate Action Network. Contact A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST CONTENTS Preface 4 Belfast Carbon Roadmap: Pathway to Net-Zero 6 Executive Summary 8 Introduction…

… for Belfast 42 Next Steps for Belfast 44 Appendix 1: League Table of the Most Carbon-Effective Options for Belfast 46 Appendix 2: League Table of the Most Cost-Effective Options for Belfast 48 Place-Based Climate Action Network (PCAN) 50 Partnerships 51 2 3 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST PREFACE Background Belfast signed its climate emergency declaration in October of 2019, and is due…

… to set a target date in 2021 for the city to reach net-zero emissions. Produced by the ESRC Place-Based Climate Action Network for the Belfast Climate Commission, this net-zero roadmap is designed to feed into Belfast’s deliberations on its target date for net-zero, and to inform how it can work towards an ambitious target in the coming years, including through the adoption of a green…

… recovery programme. Policy Change and the Need to Deliver In June 2019, the UK Government passed legislation with a commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. The Northern Ireland Assembly declared a climate emergency in February of 2020. At the local level, 2019 saw a wave of local climate emergency declarations, with many local authorities setting their own, usually more ambitious…


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