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Runnymede Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… economy in the world to legislate a binding target to reach ‘Net Zero Carbon’ emissions by 2050. In January 2022, the Council committed to tackling climate change and adopted a target to achieve operational ‘Net Zero Carbon’ emissions from its services and operations by 2030. Net Zero Carbon is achieved when the total operational Carbon emissions released on an annual basis average to be zero…

… or negative, so the amount of emitted Carbon balances with that removed or offset. CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY PAGE 5 The public declaration of a 2030 operational Net Zero Carbon target commits the Council to tackling climate change across every aspect of our service provision and estate. The overarching United Kingdom target to reach Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050…

… and to support the objectives laid out in this Strategy. ● Net Zero Carbon is expressed with respect to operational Carbon emissions. It is generally accepted that is not possible to address historical carbon emissions in the current timeframe. PAGE 6 CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY Responsibility for the Climate Change Strategy…

… recognise that climate change is a major concern to our residents and communities and many individuals and groups are already making positive change. The panel will work to regularly consult with stakeholders and exchange updates on community and Council actions and initiatives, and we will track the Council’s progress to its Net Zero 2030 target and Runnymede’s progress towards the national…

… target of Net Zero 2050. The panel will be the conduit for stakeholders to inform the Council’s decisions which we make on your behalf, but it will also be a forum for stakeholders to give us their ideas and share their progress too. Localised services We will continue to work towards achieving the ‘20 minute’ principle where possible by supporting schemes which bring essential services…


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