…, to establ ish opportunities to reduce cl imate impact All Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 Medium Undertake annual review of the completion and progress of service plan actions that deliver net zero carbon by 2040 Al l Climate and Environment 01/02/2025 Medium Provide housing association landlords with information/advice on energy saving to support their tenants Buildings…
… Include all services in the Cl imate Conversation to ensure objectives in services plans achieve ca rbon net zero by 2040 Community Climate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Include climate considerations within all key strategies and governance documents Community Climate & Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Deliver learning and development for all Council employees to be climate and carbon…
… reporting All Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 Low Understand sources and avai labil ity of data for scope 3 reporting All Climate and Environment 01/02/2025 Low Engage with local businesses to explore ways the council cou ld support them to have less climate impact All Leisure, Waste and Street Scene 01/02/2025 Low Commission a provider to offer expert net zero business…
… ia ls Bui ldings Jobs, Econor,y and Housing 2027 onwards Low Research external bodies and funding opportunit ies to support carbon reduction (e.g Net Zero Enterprise Fund} Community Climate an d Environment 01/02/2024 Low Complete adaptat ion risk registers for each service area Community Climate an d Environment 01/02/2025 Low Enabling Communit ies to deliver climate change…
…/2024 Work with partners and responsib le transport Low authorities to promote active, net zero carbon Travel and Transport Climate and Environment travel 2027 onwards Keep recycl ing contamination rate below 7%, Leisure, Waste and Street Scene Low through rigorous benchmarking and Waste, Recycling & Resource Management monitoring 01/02/2024 Engage with local businesses to exp lore ways…