… Liverpool Net Zero Carbon 2030 Liverpool Net Zero Carbon 2030 The Climate Challenge CONTENT Foreword 4 Executive Summary 6 Approach 7 The Journey to Net Zero 9 The Plan 13 Sector 1: Buildings and Heat 15 Sector 2: Power Supply 28 Sector 3: Transport 39 Sector 4: Waste 50 Green Infrastructure and Carbon…
… Sequestration 60 Low Carbon Economy 64 City Resilience 69 Glossary 74 Key Sources 76 The Liverpool NZC30 Plan4 | FOREWORD Mayor Joanne Anderson My mayoral ambition is to create a fairer, greener, and brighter low carbon future for the people of Liverpool. And I believe that the reduction in carbon emissions – to be a Net Zero Carbon city by 2030 - will have multiple benefits across all…
… social, environmental, future. By working with all communities across the city we seek to improve futures not just for our citizens but for all citizens and for the planet. https://cityplanliverpool.co.uk/ | 5 The Liverpool NZC30 Plan Cllr Barrington Cabinet Member Climate Change and Environment Reducing carbon emissions to net zero across all our activities is now…
… people, action plans will develop for each topic area that will reflect your experiences, good practice and ideas, and progress will be reviewed on an annual basis. The Liverpool NZC30 Plan6 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A 2030 Net Zero Liverpool This Plan sets out the actions that Liverpool can take to become a net zero city in 2030. It is a hugely challenging target, but one that can bring many…
… benefits. A 2030 Net Zero Liverpool is a thriving, fair and sustainable city. Climate action will have stimulated the local green economy and placed Liverpool at the forefront of new industries which will form the backbone of our future economy. The city will have also stopped all contributions to climate change and have demonstrated leadership to other cities in the UK and globally. The city…