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Surrey Heath Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… trends and through more localised severe weather events. The Climate Emergency declared by the Council recognises that climate change is happening, and that action needs to be taken now, both to mitigate and to adapt. The Surrey Heath Climate Change Action Plan has two key aims: 1. To work towards achieving the ambitious net-zero carbon emission target by 2030 as an organisation and contribute…

… to making the Borough net zero by 2050 (with the aspiration for net zero by 2030). 2. To ensure that the Council as an organisation is resilient to the impacts of climate change and support the resilience of the Borough to the impacts of climate change. 1 Appendix 1 provides links to the key sources of scientific evidence for anthropogenic climate change. 2 V Masson-Delmotte et al.: Global…

…. Within existing budgets Indirect Medium term Low B10 Investigate the potential for a local award for businesses that demonstrate excellence in reducing carbon emissions or achieve net zero. Likely to require additional funding Indirect Medium term Low B11 Investigate potential opportunities to partner with universities for local research and innovation. Within existing budgets…


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