… Net Zero Action Plan - Executive Summary (November 2021) Net Zero Action Plan Executive Summary November 2021 03Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council | Action Plan Executive Summary02 3 2 1 Introduction Taking on Feedback Action Plan Overview & Scope This report was commissioned by Solihull Metropolitan…
… Borough Council (SMBC), who have an ambition to reach Borough-wide net zero carbon emissions by 2041, in-line with the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) ambition. The Net Zero Action Plan Report is an exploration of the actions Solihull will need to consider to meet its ambition of a net zero Borough. The Council will use this work to help inform the nature and extent of action…
… provides independent, cross- sector and cross-party advice to the Council, conducted a review of the Green Paper and provided formal feedback. The comments received informed the Net Zero Action Plan and highlighted the importance of the Council’s opportunity to lead by example, define stakeholder roles and the significant role of behaviour change in delivering action. Green Paper Public…
… Consultation Responses An online public consultation was held to gather opinions from residents and businesses across Solihull on the actions the Borough needed to consider to reach its net zero ambition. The responses from the public consultation highlighted the importance of education to encourage individuals to monitor and manage energy use in buildings, the importance of public and active…
… travel infrastructure and awareness raising on the environmental impacts of waste. Innovation Tournament As part of the Net Zero Action Plan development, two Innovation Tournaments were held online to gather ideas for projects that could be implemented in Solihull to accelerate the shift to net zero. Project ideas were assessed across three rounds: location, value for money and other…