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Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Governance 27 Conclusion 28 Appendix 1 30 3 | Corporate Climate Change Action Plan This page is intentionally blank 4 | Corporate Climate Change Action Plan Purpose of Action Plan The purpose of this Action Plan is to set out the council’s priorities and proposed actions to meet our 2030 and 2041 targets for reaching net zero

…, enabling us to ultimately become a net zero organisation and one that is the borough’s strongest advocate for climate change action across Sandwell. Introduction This Action Plan is based on the council’s Climate Change Strategy and sets out our priorities and our approach to tackling climate change over the next few years. In terms of achieving the council’s 2030 target, a clear hierarchy…

… is laid out for our own estate and operations which are responsible for the majority of our emissions. Key activities which move the borough towards the 2041 target are also included. Reaching net zero by 2030 is not just about having low emissions at that point, but about being on a falling trajectory en route to 2030. The same is the true of the 2041 target. To stay within our carbon budget…

… of several action plans that need to be implemented during the next decade in pursuit of our 2030 and 2041 targets. Whilst we know in principle in which areas we need to be active (e.g. transitioning our schools to net zero), in many cases we don’t yet have a base-line of data to provide the necessary evidence of what specific actions are required, how much carbon can be reduced or how much…

… than 1.5 degrees. All areas, including Sandwell, have a role to play in meeting this goal. Our corporate targets of net zero for the borough by 2041 and for Sandwell Council by 2030, are both compatible with supporting the maximum 1.5 degree temperature rise. The proposals in this report, do not just focus on the need to reduce our emissions (mitigation), but to ensure that Sandwell…


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