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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including the closely related terms emission vehicles, and emission.

1 result

Tandridge District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… (walking and cycling).  Create an innovative policy environment, supported by adequate funding, that encourages the uptake of zero emission vehicles amongst partners and residents for journeys that cannot be made on foot, by bicycle or public transport. 1. Organisational Emissions  Use net zero carbon energy across our Council-owned buildings, and over the longer term look…

… reduction. - Passive thermal insulation and weather protection for buildings. 3 Dec 2023 Work with partners to scope potential for low emission zones Housing, Planning, Buildings & Infrastructure - Improve District's air quality. - Support local economy by creating ‘destinations’. - Increase biodiversity (e.g. pocket parks). - Encourage active travel. 3 Sep 2026 Pro-actively…


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