Including 5 closely related terms such as emission, low emission, and low carbon vehicles.
… and Customer Services Nil At this stage, no cost as this is an explorator y exercise. However, depending on the outcomes, there may be future costs that the Councils decides to meet 1.3 Switching to low carbon vehicles: where residents and business need to rely on road vehicles, we will seek to support an increase in the percentage of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles…
… and communities to reduce the average number of miles travelled by car per person by 25% by 2030. Nil Nil 1.2 Driving less: we will work with our partners and communities to increase the percentage of journeys undertaken by foot, bicycle or public transport from 20% to 25% by 2030. [£££] [£££] 1.3 Switching the low carbon vehicles: where residents and business need to rely on road vehicles, we…
… will seek to support an increase in the percentage of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles owned by residents in south Warwickshire from 2.9% in 2019 to 89% by 2030 [££] [££] 1.4 Improving freight emissions by reducing the emissions per mile by 75% and reducing on road freight mileage by 9% [££] [££] 2 A vi at io n 2.1 Reducing aviation emissions. Consideration as to whether we can influence…
… WDC responded to. The next stage is for WCC to draft a new LTP in detail with support from South Warwicksh ire National policy needs to enable WCC to focus on (and fund) active travel, public transport and low emission vehicles in preference to fossil fuel vehicles Promote "Choose How You Move" initiative (Better Points) within Warwick District as way of incentivising…
… Sustainable Transport Project Officer, Place and Economy Nil There are strong links to be made with public health and their joint strategic needs assessmen ts (JSNA's) and Local National policy needs to enable WCC to focus on (and fund) active travel, public transport and low emission vehicles in preference to Transport Plans (LTP's), see 1.3 below fossil fuel…