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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including the closely related terms emission, low emission, and emission buses.

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… to meet the needs of residents who cannot charge vehicles at home. b) Incorporation of electric vehicle home charging points into new developments. c) Work with businesses to increase the number of EV charging points in town centres. Bid to be made to Office for Low Emission Vehicle grants The Planning Service is requiring developers to incorporate charging points into all…

…. Ride Leader training to take place in Broxbourne in Autumn 2021. d) Included in plans for Waltham Cross development. 7.4 Lobby to improve public transport in the Borough and promote the use of low emission buses. Head of Planning and Development Planning Policy Manager Lobbying undertaken for bus routes to major housing developments and stations, for a new…

… station at Wormley and Park Plaza, and for low emission buses. Existing No update 20 Objective 8: Reduce waste and increase recycling Task Responsibility Target Resourcing Programme update RAG status 8.1 Continue public information campaigns to promote waste minimisation and recycling. Communications Manager Waste & Street Scene Manager Household recycling…


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