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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 7 closely related terms such as emission vehicles, low emission vehicles, and emission.

1 result

Surrey County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… mobility service app to facilitate journeys by public transport. (13) Implement the emerging Bus Service Improvement Plan. (14) Consider options for car demand management such as emission-based charging. (15) Expand and promote the use of ultra low emission vehicles and car clubs. (16) Carry out engagement activities that promote active and sustainable travel. (17) Encourage the provision…

… County Council and Local Authorities 40% decrease against 2030 target 18 Reduce carbon emissions from Local Authority estate through insulation, low carbon heating and solar panels. Reduce emissions by reducing fleet size, encouraging transition to active travel and low carbon vehicles. (35) Continue with estate rationalisation. (36) Continue with streetlight LED replacement. (37…


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