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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 6 closely related terms such as low emission vehicles, emission vehicles, and emission.

1 result

North Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… resolution, continue replacing all future operational vehicles leased or purchased by the Council with Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs) or zero emission vehicles until the last non-ULEV vehicle leases expire (2022); and encourage contractors to adopt similar measures Begin transitioning to zero emission vehicles as leases come up for expiry from 2025 Reduce staff and Councillor business…

… with the relevant portfolio holders to prepare an annual Electric Vehicle Action Plan ENABLING CARBON SAVINGS P NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 16 Further to the requirement for all new and replaced taxi vehicles to be ultra-low emissions from 2028, explore how we can support transitions to low emission vehicles before this date and to zero emission vehicles when…

… travel through use of Zoom and similar technologies as much as possible Reduce staff commuting through home working as much as practical Explore opportunities around low-emission refuse freighters Explore the creation of a 5-Year Plan to reduce emissions from the waste fleet Offsetting Quantify how much land we would need to plant trees on to offset 5% of the Council’s 2019/20 carbon…

… of making it cheaper for zero emission vehicles to use Council car parks Working with the County Council to improve the provision of on-street Electric Vehicle (EV) charging Working with other public and private entities/ partners to improve provision of EV charging Progressing the implementation of a better cycle network in North Herts, linking the district and beyond Working…


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