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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 9 closely related terms such as emission vehicles, low emission vehicles, and low emission.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… development meets high standards of environmental sustainability 1. EPC rating on new homes 2. Carbon footprint of each new development Create good practice guidance to encourage development of carbon neutral buildings (residential and commercial) in private and public sector. 2.4 Introduce offsetting and adaptation measures Align with Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy

… and the public have become accepted and are resulting in increased participation and engagement. It is estimated that the CO2 saving from members attending meetings virtually rather than traveling to the Civic Centre saves approximately 7.3t CO2 per year. The Council endorsed the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy in December 2020, strengthening opportunities for collaborative working…

… taxis are low emission vehicles. The green taxi scheme incentivises the uptake of low emission vehicles offering three years ‘free’ licensing for low emission vehicles. 18 3.5 Priority 5 - Enable business growth while maximising opportunities to reduce carbon emissions The ‘greening’ of industrial and commercial businesses in the borough are crucial to reducing borough wide carbon emissions…

… travel; public transport and low carbon vehicles are not only the best way to get around in our personal lives but the default for business travel and communications; virtual working is supported and encouraged; and homeworking is enabled to become the norm. 4. Future development and existing communities are resilient and adapted to the changing climate and severe weather events. This means…

… reduction through purchased services, materials and provision of low emissions fleets by contractors Regularise homeworking arrangements; update policies and procedures to support a longer term home working strategy Include the Kent Resilience Forum ‘Principles for a Green Recovery’ as criteria for consideration when assessing applications for community grants 2.2 Take a design led approach…


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