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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as low emission vehicles, emission vehicles, and low emission.

1 result

Eastleigh Borough Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

…, commercial fleet, taxis, low emission vehicles, cycling and walking, which will then inform the action plan. To reduce fuel consumption and air quality issues in the area, through modal shift to more sustainable travel. Cycling and Walking element of the strategy consultation by September 2020. Overall strategy by June 2021. Programme delayed due to a focus on responding the health crisis…

… -Promoted the campaign internally through a posters, internal screens and Our News -Held a climate change champions event for residents -Branded electric and low emission vehicles -Filmed several case study videos to be released next month. -Placed relevant articles in the Borough News Outcomes -17,444 reached through Facebook adverts, with 6,105 video views (watching at least 10 seconds…

…. 27 Fleet and Waste Transport - Fleet - Develop an action plan to transition the Streetscene fleet to Electric or Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) by 2025. Early planting of trees reducing the cost and carbon footprint importing mature trees to improve coverage across the borough. Business case developed by September 2020. The first 2 Electric Fleet vehicles are now in operation…


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