Including 5 closely related terms such as emission vehicles, low emission, and emission.
… pollution, including nitrogen dioxide and PM2.5, but does not reduce carbon emissions significantly. The Council is developing a plan for transitioning its fleet to zero emission vehicles, which is due later this year, with work already underway on this as highlighted in paragraph 16 of this report. It is expected that there will be substantial Scope 1 emissions reductions over time as the fleet…
… is replaced by electric or other zero emission vehicles. 45. The decrease in Scope 2 emissions is due to ongoing energy efficiency measures being introduced across the corporate estate, as well as the year on year reduction in CO2 emissions associated with electricity as the national grid gradually decarbonises. In addition, Wandsworth generated 120,313.00 kwh of solar power in 2017/18, saving…
… buildings, as well as supporting bids for external funding when it becomes available and set out in more detail how emissions reductions from buildings will be achieved. The Decarbonisation Strategy will be presented to the Finance, Resources and Climate Sustainability OSC in July 2021. 54. Ahead of the expansion of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the inside of the South Circular, the Council…
… will develop plans for moving to zero emission vehicles across its entire vehicle fleet. Implementing this plan and switching to zero emission vehicles will reduce Scope 1 carbon emissions associated with vehicle use and allow the tracking of those reductions. 55. The development of these plans will enable the Council to produce a detailed emissions pathway analysis, which will set out…
… the quantifiable carbon emission reductions that can be achieved year on year. This will set clear emissions reductions targets for the highest areas of Scope 1 and 2 emissions, enabling progress tracking towards the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030. The 2021 WESS Action Plan commits to this work being completed by December 2021, allowing the Decarbonisation Strategy and zero emissions vehicles plan…