Including 7 closely related terms such as emission, low emission, and vehicle emissions.
… by impinging upon the competitiveness of local businesses. The Plan therefore provides a reminder of the significant opportunities associated with climate change mitigation activities. The Northampton Low Emissions Strategy, which was endorsed by Northampton Borough Council Cabinet on the 8th June 2017 for full endorsement, aims to influence policies and activities which support the reduction…
… and 22 Northampton Low Emissions Strategy - pton 23 SEMLEP Local Industrial Strategy -…
… of emissions in the borough of Northampton, with a focus on improving air quality and reducing vehicle emissions. It is recognised that poor air quality can have significant implications on human health, as well as for biodiversity, habitats and ecosystems. As such, it is critical that stringent measures are taken to improve air quality within the borough, and one such action is the formalisation…