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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including the closely related term emission.

1 result

North West Leicestershire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… replacing boilers, and perhaps consider changing the boiler for a more “future proofed” technology. Campaign on carbon reductions for existing housing not owned by the Council For example providing information on efficient measures and funding mechanisms. Publicise examples of low carbon new Council buildings or retrofits Transport 3y Revise car’s allowance systems to incentive low

emission cars for the Council’s staff e.g. higher allowance for electric cars, reduced allowance for diesel cars 3y Encourage staff’s switch to EV cars Influence to encourage replacement of cars owned by staff with EV cars – investigate potential funding streams e.g. tax breaks 3y Run events informing the public about transport of the future The public will benefit from a better understanding…


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