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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as emission vehicles, low emission vehicles, and low emission.

1 result

Warwick District Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

Transport In 2017, nearly a third of Warwick’s total CO2 emissions (32.9%) came from transport and mostly road transport from cars, vans, lorries and buses. Action is needed to reduce car journeys, increase cycling and walking, and improve public transport and more low emission vehicles. Such action will achieve better air quality, mobility and health for citizens. Actions could…

…  Expand opportunities for flexible working Waste  Measure waste produced by the Council operations so that it can be reduced and managed  Reduce printing and paper waste through increase in digital systems and services  Introduce low emission transport specifications into new waste collection contracts  Consider how the Council can assist contractors to move to Ultra Low Emission

… charges for low emission vehicles in council car parks Improve Council owned housing As a responsible landlord, the Council will need to invest in council homes to enable tenants to reduce their energy bills, have warmer homes and lower their carbon footprint. Actions could be to:  Review all Council homes to identify current standards and provide funding to expand the property retrofit…

…  Reduce energy losses by retro-fit technologies and use of more energy efficient building fabric  Examine installation of low emission heating for key public buildings e.g. heat pumps; heat network  Convert rural pathways lighting columns and other public spaces to LED e.g. car parks  Identify suitable locations for solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on council owned buildings Transport…

… are part of the design of new housing and regeneration development Item 6 / Page 28 WDC Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ Executive Summary FINAL ~ 31.1.2020 8  Ensure carbon reduction features and BREEAM standards are included in major development schemes  Encourage innovation and green design through supplementary planning documentation (SPD) Transition to Low Emission


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