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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as emission, low emission, and emissions.

1 result

South Lanarkshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… (including winter maintenance), road/ footpath sweepers and buses and in our light vehicles, such as cars and small vans. The telematic system provides information on the utilisation of vehicles including incidents of engine idling and harsh braking. This information enables changes in the use of the vehicles that will help reduce carbon emissions, vehicle emission, fuel costs, and improve…

… the services provided by a wide range of vehicles. • In 2014, our low emission, low carbon, sustainable Fleet Service achieved a silver award in the Scottish Green Apple Awards for environmental best practice and a bronze award in the International Green Apple Awards. Solar panels at Newton Farm Primary School, South Lanarkshire Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy 2017-2022…


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