Including 5 closely related terms such as emission vehicles, low emission vehicles, and emission.
…-17_UK_local_and_regional_CO2_emissions_tables.xlsx 12 | P a g e Using transport as an illustration: Emissions Transport Actions Council has direct control Deciding to change Council Fleet from petrol/diesel to electric or other low carbon vehicles Council has influence Taking measures such as parking charging policies, subsidising local bus transport, and encourage local residents to use alternative forms of transport…
… quality are inextricably linked; air pollution often originates from the same activities that contribute to climate change. The majority of both greenhouse gases and air pollutants are produced by vehicle engines, power generation and domestic heating, and as such multiple measures aimed at reducing air pollutants often also reduce CO2 emissions, for example the adoption of low emission vehicles…
… meetings, including tele / videoconferencing options (Action T7 – Appendix 2) A car lease scheme for electric and low carbon vehicles for Council staff has been developed, which will encourage switching to more sustainable vehicles (Action T8 – Appendix 2). v) Corporate Travel Planning The Transport Planning team provides sustainable infrastructure for commuters to choose their mode…
… greenhouse gas emissions and will develop a comprehensive approach to mitigating the impacts of climate change. It advocates for a 25% reduction in car use and a shift to public transport and active travel by 2025; to become Scotland’s leading city for active travel by 2030; and on track to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040; and for the city centre to be a low- emission zone…