Including 6 closely related terms such as low emission vehicles, emission vehicles, and low emission.
… of ensuring that all vehicles are Euro Standard 6 compliant To have investigated potential to review the Council’s staff car loan scheme to encourage purchase of low emission vehicles by the end of March 2020 To have reviewed the Public Realm Supplementary Planning Document by March 2021 7 RE3: Ensuring Council Vehicles are Energy Efficient This action primarily relates…
… Accelerator Grants are available up to a maximum of £10,000 for the purchase of new taxi vehicles. The Scheme can provide up to 40% of the difference between the cost of an Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle and the cost of the usual replacement in grant support (subject to a maximum cap). The scheme is managed by Leicester City Council and part-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF…
… to the purchase of new vehicles for the Depot. Consideration is given to the purchase of those vehicles which have low emissions and improved fuel efficiency. Alternative powered vehicles (electric / bio fuel etc.) will also be considered on a case by case basis, as new technology develops and improves. The supplier of our current fleet of refuse vehicles is in the process of improving the development…