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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 7 closely related terms such as lower emission vehicles, emission vehicles, and lower emission vehicles.

1 result

Wolverhampton City Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… | Private and Confidential Residents thought shifting to ultra-low emission council vehicles was important and in line with changes elsewhere • Transport was assumed to constitute a large proportion of the council’s carbon emissions • The policy was seen as credible following on from other councils adopting similar policies, and residents’ experiences of low emission public transport in other…

… point of view… we’re limited to what we can do to change our habits. The big companies have the resources, the money [to change].” • The cost of making changes to their lives • e.g. driving lower emission vehicles, using more sustainable energy suppliers • The availability of tools for change: • e.g. alternative modes of transport, sources of information about what companies are greener…

… of public transport • Tax-related benefits for businesses acting in sustainable ways These principles informed participants’ view on policy ideas… • Residents felt that an ultra low vehicle emission programme may require a specific incentive to encourage usage • Asking businesses to use eco-ratings would be more effective if they were rewarded for achieving a high rating • There were concerns…

… available for people to make the change.. you don’t want to break down on the way to work” Encourage participation in the Black Country Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle Programme Sensitivity: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED • This policy was viewed as having a potentially huge impact on the environment • Residents liked the idea of using former landfill sites as potential sites for renewable energy…

… actions for the Council: Most popular policy • Using renewable energy sources (e.g. wind power) to power the electricity in all Council buildings Runner-up policy Other policies explored • Making sure all Council buildings are as energy efficient as possible • Making Council vehicles ultra-low emission • Improve transparency around recycling • Making sure future regeneration schemes…


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