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Search results for "low emission vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as low emission vehicles, emission vehicles, and low emission.

1 result

Torfaen County Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, and develop a culture of agile working across public sector sites. • Review the current and future need for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure on our sites. • Review our fleet and procurement arrangements (where applicable) for introduction of ultra-low emission vehicles. Community Maximise opportunities for active travel including providing new routes / connections as part…

… of goods and services annually and has the potential to “use procurement rules positively to help drive emissions reductions in a number of areas including ultra-low-emission vehicles and low carbon products” [3]. What the Council has done already 100% of the electricity the Council buys comes from renewable sources. As part of the 21st Century Schools programme, we have worked with the main…


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