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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon economy, low carbon economy, and low carbon.

1 result

London Borough of Croydon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… against the potential harmful effects of climate change by managing energy use and reducing green house gas emissions. Croydon has made a commitment to climate change mitigation in order to reduce the potential impact of climate change, taking advantage of the new low carbon economy and making a contribution to UK wide carbon reduction targets. This is set out in our Climate Change Mitigation Action…

… carefully so that the town centre benefts from regeneration while local character is conserved. There will be sustained investment in core infrastructure to enable this growth while also helping to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. But sustainability is not just about development. Residents and businesses will also be inspired to take greater pride…

… communications and marketing for individual behaviour change • supporting the low carbon economy These environmental aims deliver wider benefts in terms of saving money and improving the health and wellbeing of local communities. The ECCP co-ordinates environmental activity by partners at a strategic level and brings this together as part of a single integrated programme. This enables overarching work…

… Adaptation Residential Low Carbon Economy Environment Agency Director of Needs Head of Economic Natural England and Renewal Development Thames Water CEN/EST Director of Education NHS Croydon Housing Association and learning Parks representative CEN/EST Housing Spatial Planning Mayday Hospital Head of Pollution Utility Partners as Envibe Emergency Planning appropriate Spatial Planning…

… Community representative Healthy Croydon The Adaptation, Residential and Low Carbon Economy Strategy Groups have been established especially to deliver the aims of this strategy and the Climate Change Mitigation Strategy. The Strategic Transport Board, South London Waste Partnership and District Energy Programme Board are pre-existing groups that will feed into the Partnership. This Action Plan…


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