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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 8 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Powys County Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, and businesses. Powys is unlikely to meet its vision and targets for reducing carbon emissions without a greater emphasis on behaviours which in turn will result in action and sustainability. A Strategy for Climate change- Net positive Powys 2021-2030 Why act on climate change? ? The worlds temperature is rising because of human activity, and climate change now…

… need to be in 2030 and how we aim to achieve our goal of being net carbon zero by 2030. By achieving this goal, we believe that Powys will contribute to:  Tackling the climate emergency, we all face  Cutting emissions by at least 95% in Wales by 2050  Making the public sector in Wales net carbon zero by as outlined in Welsh Governments Prosperity for All: A Low Carbon Wales delivery…

… Strategies and policies There are a number of local, regional and national strategies and policies which have supported the development of this strategy. These include: Local Regional National Powys County Councils Corporate Improvement Plan Mid Wales Energy Strategy The Climate Change Act (2008) The Sixth Carbon budget (2020) Wales Climate Targets and Carbon budgets (2021…


… will be engagement and collaboration from our partners. Moving up a gear - 2021-2022 Where understanding the context and what needs to be done is vital, and where action needs to accelerate Well on our way - 2022-2026 Where there is an expectation that low carbon is becoming the norm and we are definitely on the way to a net zero Welsh public sector Achieving our goal- 2026-2030 Where…


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