Including 11 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon emissions.
… action In 2019, The NHS bodies that make up the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) declared a climate emergency committing to action to reduce carbon emissions and avert predicted illness and disease. The focus for preventing and addressing the impact of climate change includes: • Cutting carbon emissions from energy use by improving efficiency and using low- carbon…
…. Implementing systems and greenspaces processes to stop waste and promote reuse, sharing, repair 3. Using low carbon electricity to and recycling of resources power transport and heating The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s ‘Plan for Jobs’ published on 20 July 2020 sets out a £3 billion green investment package that could help support around 140,000 green jobs and upgrade buildings and reduce…
… Government have set targets for reducing the impact of climate change Global warming The Paris Agreement 2015 Keep global temperatures well below 2°C and aim for 1.5°C Greenhouse gases The Paris Agreement 2015 Reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to below 1990 levels by second half of the 21st century Climate Change Act 2008 (sixth carbon budget) Slash UK greenhouse gas emissions by 78…
… identified exceedances beyond 2020 (152 stretches of road identified across GM) Greater Manchester Environment Plan 2019 • 100% of all cars and buses are zero emissions by 2035 Renewable energy Greater Manchester Environment Plan 2019 • Add 45MW of local renewable electricity generation by 2024 • Add 10TWh of low carbon heating by 2024 • Add another 45MW of energy supply through other sources…
… 2025 2030 2035 0.2 0.4 0.29 Tyndall Budget: 8.22MtCO2 to 2038 BEIS Emissions: 0.50MtCO2 0.20 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Pathway to net zero Tackling Rochdale’s carbon emissions by 2038 Our carbon budget The Tyndall Centre outlines a ‘fair’ carbon budget contribution for Rochdale of 8.22 MtCO2 for 17 years as part of the pathway to net zero. The critical focus is not exceeding…