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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 12 closely related terms such as low carbon economy, carbon economy, and carbon.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… will take to ensure, subject to the appropriate funding, it will be a net zero organisation by 2030. In doing this, the plan also sets out how the Council is delivering against its Climate Compact commitments. 4. Main report 4.1 Achieving net zero emissions and transitioning to a low carbon economy represents the greatest challenge of our times. This reflects the complexity and breadth…

… and transitioning to a low carbon economy is a journey and as such the approach laid out in this report will be periodically reviewed and refined, reflecting the organisation’s deepening knowledge and learning from the phased approaches. 4 “Protecting Scotland’s Future: The Government’s Programme for Scotland 2019-20”. Published 3 Sep 2019. 5 The Council publicly reports…

… in Appendix 1; 1.1.2 Note that Council emissions totalled 65,647 tCO2e in 2020/21 (a 11% decrease compared to 2019/20), representing 35% (just over one third) of the three-years’ cumulated carbon budget for the period 2020/21 to 2022/23; 1.1.3 Note that the CERP sets out actions the Council will take to reduce its carbon footprint and that the emissions impact of these will reviewed and refined…

…, and future low- carbon HGV and building retrofit technologies evolve. 4.2 The CERP has been developed to cover the next nine years up to 2030. It focusses on the Council’s key corporate emissions sources (energy consumption, waste, fleet and travel) and sets out an initial pathway to net-zero by 2030. The CERP does this by estimating the impact of emission reduction projects (both planned…

…. 4.4 The emissions analysis presented in each chapter shows baseline emissions for each sector and the estimated carbon savings of different projects. Additional analysis of the remaining emissions has also been undertaken to bring greater transparency to what these include and to what extent, and how, they might be tackled. These remaining emissions include: 4.4.1 Emissions that cannot fully…


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