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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon, carbon emissions, and reduce carbon.

1 result

Ceredigion County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… is well established and attended by both Members and officers, this provides a good initial forum for stakeholder engagement, but scope for wider involvement following publication of this Plan Prevention: This Plan will support implementation of actions and measures to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change Integration: Will help integrate and embed emission reduction…

… Authority Service areas, as well as within our local communities and across the County, which are helping to reduce carbon emissions. We also need to be able to respond quickly to opportunities and technical advancements. The Action Plan is therefore intended to be a dynamic document that will be reviewed annually, recording the actions being undertaken and those planned, so that others can see…

… COUNTY COUNCIL’S NET ZERO ACTION PLAN STRATEGIC APPROACH Journey towards net zero carbon Response Phase 2021 -2023 Transition Phase 2023 -2025 Acceleration Phase 2025 - 2030 Response Phase  Continuation of work that is effective in reducing carbon emissions.  Inspire action by focusing on projects that are quick to initiate and deliver proven…

… as part of ‘business as usual’. The first ‘response stage’, from 2021-2023, focuses on implementing actions that will rapidly and credibly reduce carbon emissions as well as driving changes needed to rapidly increase the rate at which we reduce our emissions. This ensures a credible…

… currently being undertaken by the Authority to contribute to this goal. Operational Buildings The Council has reduced carbon emissions from its non-domestic buildings by 55.43% since 2007/08 – from 11,034 tCO2e to 4,918 t/CO2e. An 11.50% reduction in emissions occurred between 2017/18 and 2019/20. Energy consumed by the Council’s non-domestic operational buildings in 2019/20 and resultant…


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