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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including the closely related terms carbon, carbon emissions, and carbon emission.

1 result

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

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… for residents interested in retrofitting their home Priorities for 2022-23: analysing the borough's energy requirements and opportunities for generating low-carbon heat and energy developing a retrofit strategy for council housing developing a retrofit strategy for the council's corporate buildings housing retrofit pilot projects including two office sites and council homes at the West Kensington…

carbon emissions from the things Londoners buy and use Ecology What we’re doing now: we've banned the use of glyphosate pesticides and pioneered using grass to reduce roadside pollution understanding what species exist in the borough through a "biodiversity baseline" protecting and improving biodiversity through our new grounds maintenance contract engaging…

… and increased recycling rates on estates tackling food waste and educating residents on sustainable food at the Nourish Hub piloting a food waste collection service promoting initiatives like Ready Tech Go to reuse our old computers Priorities for 2022-23: support residents to borrow before they buy new by setting up a 'Library of Things' at Kings Mall working with London-wide partners to reduce


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