Including 10 closely related terms such as carbon economy, carbon, and carbon saving.
… and support others to reduce theirs. On-going The components will work together to provide on-going channels through which both individuals and organisations can work together to reduce carbon emissions in the District to develop and implement their own ideas. More detail is given below. 2.3 Working groups It is evident that there are already a number of partnerships, working groups and fora…
… scheme for employees. Further work will be progressed through our continued support of the Sustainable Business Partnership. Further comments were made about the need to increase the number of people with skills related to a low-carbon economy such as energy efficiency. Skills delivery is not the responsibility of CDC but we are members of the Coastal West Sussex Partnership which includes…
…. eBiz newsletter) to provide local organisations (businesses, educational institutions, etc.) with information to support them in transitioning to a low-carbon local economy. Through CDC’s Choose Work programme, we will assist residents in finding employment that supports the low-carbon economy. To be set. Environmental Strategy Unit, Place, Growth, Communities Andrea Smith, Climate Change…
… carbon emissions. · CDC is reviewing its procurement practices so that environmental criteria are integrated. · A review of statutory and non-statutory plans and policies for alignment with carbon reduction pathways and biodiversity restoration plans. Make any recommendations for changes and report back to the Environment Panel and Cabinet. In the public consultation on the Climate Emergency Detailed…
… a public pledge page where individuals and organisations promise to make carbon savings. Try to capture the level of reductions that people commit to making. If the CDC uses its own site, the webpage needs to be: • Easy to find from the homepage • Attractive and inspiring • Interactive 2.5 Feedback routes CDC will use the following routes to gain feedback from members of the public on its actions…