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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including the closely related terms low carbon, carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

Bridgend County Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… understand our Carbon Footprint and address priorities for becoming carbon neutral. 3.4 When tackling Bridgend County Borough’s community-based emissions that include community and business transport and energy and heat for homes, for example, here, the Council has a role in influencing, driving and facilitating change. Therefore aligning low carbon strategies and sharing best practice with Local…

… and seeking to address the same concerns. Businesses are also identifying their corporate and social responsibilities to address climate change action to reduce their impact and improve social well- being. A collaborative approach across sectors is, therefore both desirable and practical. Figure 1 Scope for Public Sector Emissions Reduction (Low Carbon Wales Prosperity for All Welsh Government, 2019…

…) 3.6 The shift to a low carbon system increases economic output and is part of our national recovery plans. Therefore, BCBC regionally can strengthen local economic prosperity by setting a clear encompassing strategy and delivery plan for carbon neutrality by 2030 for direct and indirect controlled emissions controlled by the Council, as part of its overall response to climate change. 4.0…


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