Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon, low carbon, and carbon budget.
…) in Glasgow. Countries are being asked to come forward with ambitious 2030 GHG emission reduction targets that align with reaching net zero by the middle of the century. UK context Carbon budgets were introduced in the UK under the 2008 Climate Change Act. Each carbon budget provides a five-year, statutory cap on total GHG emissions, which should not be exceeded, in order to meet the UK’s…
… for building a competitive, greener future for the manufacturing and construction sector. It is set to publish a Net Zero Strategy ahead of COP26, as well as a Heating and Building Strategy and Transport Decarbonisation Plan. The Future Homes Standard8, due to be introduced by 2025, will require new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and leading levels of energy efficiency…
… not include a statutory duty for local authorities to develop plans and deliver cuts in line with the UK carbon budgets (statutory cap on total GHG emissions). Nor did it set local authorities their own carbon budgets. But alongside its work on the Sixth Carbon Budget, the Climate Change Committee (CCC)9 published an accompanying report in 2020 on the role of local authorities in delivering…
… held between November 2020 and January 2021. 10 An independent report for the Climate Change Committee: Local Authorities and the Sixth Carbon Budget (December 2020) 11 Council Agenda and Minutes - 23rd January 2020: http://ww5…
… for a green industrial revolution August 2021 Dave Dewart (Rob Fulford) The SWLEP has identified emissions reduction as a strategic priority of the Local Industrial Strategy, particularly the development of a Low Carbon Tourism Zone across wider Wiltshire. F4 Continued delivery of projects in the Local Cycling And Walking Infrastructure Plan Ongoing from July 2021 Syed Shah LCWIP…