Including 7 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon emissions.
… completed Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Improved Health Ongoing Public Health 94. Promote energy efficiency in schools Building on feedback from headteachers develop and rollout factsheet for schools on steps they can take to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions Factsheet developed and promoted Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Low Carbon…
… and Funding Q3 2021/22 Property services 10. Sustainable construction for Council designed and built buildings Develop a draft approach to sustainable construction and low carbon construction practices within the Council’s design service, that is scalable with cost implications highlighted on case by case bases Approach developed. Low Enabling / Mitigating Innovation and Funding Q3…
… and new build PPA for zero carbon generation, reducing Scope 2 carbon emissions. Existing High Thriving Green Economy Q1 2021/22 Property Services 14. Explore alternative options for purchasing low-carbon gas Continue to explore options for low-carbon gas purchasing as part of next energy contract from 2024 Existing Enabling Thriving Green Economy Ongoing Property Services…
… waste collection processes (e.g. waste collection vehicles) in advance of new waste contract in 2024 Options for new waste contract to consider carbon emission reductions (e.g. waste collection vehicles) High High Reduced Waste Improved Air Quality Q4 2021/22 Contracts and Leisure 16. Low carbon procurement Provide training and guidance to staff within Procurement Services…
… and institutions who are involved in purchasing decisions and promote the value of sustainable purchasing to staff and contractors Training and guidance provided Existing Enabling Low Carbon Behaviours Q3 2021/22 Financial Services 17. Work with current contractors to promote options and approaches that reduce emissions Information provided. Reduction in Scope 3 carbon emissions. Low Medium…