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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 18 closely related terms such as lower carbon, carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and cease the purchase and/or lease of any vehicle that is not low carbon; • Pledge to work towards making Basingstoke & Deane net zero carbon by 2030, ahead of the current 2050 target, ensuring that reducing carbon emissions is embedded in all relevant Council decision making; • Develop carbon reduction pathways, climate compliant strategies and plans, working with the county council…

… strategy will avoid unintentional trade-offs or consequences of policies in one area being detrimental in the other (for example, historic policies that encouraged the take up of diesel vehicles to reduce carbon emissions which have increased air pollution). Although the main focus of the strategy is tackling climate change, it sets out an approach to tackle these issues, as well as providing…

…. • Education on lower carbon lifestyles, such as diet. Page 14 The natural environment: Basingstoke and Deane is an extremely green borough in terms of its natural environment, with over 90% of the borough being undeveloped. These green spaces already lock up thousands of tonnes of carbon a year, as well as providing…

… the borough and beyond. As such, the council will seek to continue work with a number of external organisation to support delivery. Page 16 These include, but are not limited to: • Basingstoke Area Strategic Partnership (BASP) • Hampshire County Council • Other neighbouring Local Authorities • Town and parish councils and local community groups • The Low Carbon Energy Forum…

… to improve data collection for the council activities. Decisions must be based on robust data but we do not want to delay beneficial actions and so will take a proportional and sensible approach. • Carbon budget – As well as a target of carbon neutrality, scientists have determined total emissions limits that we must keep below between now and the end of the century to meet the global commitment…


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