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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including the closely related terms carbon, carbon budget, and carbon budget.

1 result

High Peak Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in the achievement of the UK’s Net Zero target. 7 UK COMMITMENT KEY MESSAGES • The UK Government and local authorities share a common goal to deliver Net Zero. • The Sixth Carbon Budget can only be achieved if Government, regional agencies and local authorities work seamlessly together. • More than half of the emissions cuts needed rely on people and businesses taking up low-carbon solutions…

… ...........................................................4 The Paris Agreement ..........................................5 UK commitment ....................................................6 High Peak - Declaring a climate emergency .............................................8 High Peak - Current emissions profile ......... 10 Carbon budget ................................................... 12 Mapping the emissions of High Peak Borough…

… Act 2008 introduced the UK’s first legally binding target for 2050 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% compared to 1990 levels. On 27th June 2019 the UK government amended the Climate Change Act and set a legally binding target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from across the UK economy by 2050 with five yearly carbon budgets to set actions and review progress…

…, originally named the Committee on Climate Change, is an independent non-departmental public body, formed under the Climate Change Act to advise the United Kingdom and devolved Governments and Parliaments on tackling and preparing for climate change. In December 2020 the CCC produced a report Local Authorities and the Sixth Carbon Budget which considered the role of local authorities…

… 126.3 173.3 237.6 516.1 5.1 South Derbyshire 0.1 203.5 168.8 332.7 695.1 6.7 Derbyshire Total 2,635.5 4,140.7 1,360.1 1,900.0 7,288.3 9.2 12 CARBON BUDGET CARBON BUDGET Based on analysis by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, High Peak’s ‘fair’ contribution towards the Paris Climate Change Agreement would be to: • Stay within a maximum cumulative carbon dioxide emissions…


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