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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 9 closely related terms such as carbon economy, low carbon economy, and low carbon.

1 result

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… – they will be embedded into our organisational DNA. • To challenge ourselves to deliver as ambitious a Net Zero delivery plan as possible and to deliver the required changes at the earliest opportunity. • To take the necessary steps to ensure a just and fair transition to a low carbon future economy. • To work with city businesses and entrepreneurs, we will collectively work to yield the greatest benefits from…

… to init iate shor t term actions to del iver effec t ive change in the shor t , medium and long term. Despite the devastat ing impacts of Covid-19, the city’s determination and cross-par ty commitment to achieving Net Zero status by 2030 remains undiminished. I bel ieve that the cris is that we are facing now must , and wil l be, a pivotal moment in our transit ion to a low carbon future. We…

… residents , the environment and future generations , whi ls t s imultaneously achieving a resi l ient , fa ir and inclusive economic recovery. We must grow our business base and 'green-col lar ' jobs in the ‘new’ low carbon economy through product and service innovation, resk i l l ing and addressing pover ty to ensure an inclusive society that chal lenges social inequal ity. We must ensure…

… Government’s GHG conversion factors which are published every year to determine the applicable CO2(e) figure. Councillor Joyce McCarty Deputy Lead of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources Our ambition is for a green city of the future, which values all residents, provides quality sustainable housing, a low carbon economy which addresses poverty and looks to ensure all people feel invested…

… have a once-in-a l i fet ime moment to del iver low carbon transformation for the best interest of our residents , businesses , the environment and future generations , whi ls t s imultaneously achieving a resi l ient , fa ir and inclusive economic recovery. The wholesale decarbonisat ion of a city has never been done before and the chal lenge is quite s imply, enormous . We know where we want…


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