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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 17 closely related terms such as low carbon technologies, low carbon, and carbon.

1 result

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… or the old way of doing things. Often the people who are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate and ecological breakdown are those who have contributed least to the human causes of the emergency. We need to put fairness, equality and inclusion at the heart of the Liverpool City Region’s response to climate change. We have already started delivering innovative, low carbon projects that will enable…

… fund and similar opportunities Climate Change and Resilience | Water | Accessible Green Spaces, Habitats and Biodiversity| Food and Agriculture FA2 Investigate and map the range of local food and growing projects across LCR and seek their views on future support to reduce carbon emissions from food imports Climate Change and Resilience | Air Quality and Transport | Waste and Resources | Health…

… with industrial and innovation partners to further develop industrial decarbonisation, including innovative low carbon technologies and fuels Sustainable Energy | Air Quality and Transport SE8 Form an LCR exchange group to engage with undergraduates and recent graduates on sustainable energy Carbon and Environmental Literacy | Sustainable Energy | Air Quality and Transport Sustainable Energy 25…

… Reference Action Theme SE9 Trial innovative low carbon energy projects in all 6 Local Authorities in the LCR, sharing outcomes and lessons learnt to enable future roll-out, for example: • Halton Borough Council will retrofit the DCBL Stadium with electric heat pumps and LED lighting • Wirral Council will commission detailed project delivery studies for a potential low carbon Birkenhead district heat…

… to Grow Forward Greener. Gideon Ben-Tovim OBE Councillor Gill Wood Chair: Climate Partnership Vice-Chair: Climate Partnership Chair: Nature Connected LCR Deputy Portfolio holder: Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Our vision is for a globally competitive, environmentally responsible and socially inclusive economy. As we emerge from the COVID pandemic, there can be no return to business as usual…


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