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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 4 closely related terms such as carbon economy, carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

West Oxfordshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…) ● Oxfordshire Plan 2050 (emerging) ● Oxfordshire Low-Carbon Economy Report (currently being updated) ● Oxfordshire Energy Strategy and target to: “reduce County-wide emissions by 50% by 2030 (compared to 2008 levels) as a necessary pathway to achieving zero-carbon growth by 2050.” ● Whole-system Local Area Energy Plan for Eynsham (emerging) Page | 21 8.0 Theme Three: Active Travel…

… ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 7.4 Strategic Frameworks ................................................................................................................................................. 20 8.0 Theme Three: Active Travel & Low-Carbon Transport ........................................................................................ 21 8.1 Vision…

… landscape, the Council has designed this Strategy to ensure its scope can adapt effectively to, and encompass changes in, national and regional policy, green industry and green technology. The Strategy identifies five themes as the focus of local climate action: 1) Protecting & restoring natural ecosystems 2) Energy 3) Active travel & low-carbon transport 4) Standards in new…

… projects that support housing energy retrofit in West Oxfordshire, such as the Oxfordshire Cosy Homes Initiative. ● developing opportunities for new partnerships as the route to achieving wide-scale domestic and non-domestic energy retrofit projects. ● working towards net-zero housing and economic growth in West Oxfordshire, supporting a transition to a zero-carbon economy and clean-energy…

… initiative being led by the Low Carbon Hub (LCH) as models for other parts of West Oxfordshire. ● working across Council departments to link the objectives of this Strategy and theme with Council Plan (2020-2024) priorities, implementing each objective for: healthy towns and villages; a vibrant district economy; strong local communities; meeting the housing needs of our changing population…


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