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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including the closely related terms carbon, carbon emissions, and carbon emission.

1 result

West Oxfordshire District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…, releasing annual reports to the public. 2.4 CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK 2.4.1. A Carbon Action Plan for West Oxfordshire will be developed through partnership, engaging with Officers who have a direct responsibility for reducing carbon emissions through Council operations, the procurement of contracts and in service delivery. A Climate Action Network for West Oxfordshire will be formed to bring…

… and at a National level to reduce waste at source (including Single Use Plastics); developing innovative and sustainable waste management solutions; and facilitating low-carbon solutions for waste recycling and disposal. Biodiversity & landscape  Work across Council functions, with partners in the District, County and at a National level to protect and enhance biodiversity…


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