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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 18 closely related terms such as carbon economy, low carbon economy, and carbon.

1 result

Cheshire East Council (Unitary)

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… locally by taking action to reduce our carbon emissions and become a Carbon Neutral Council by 2025. The Council has already reduced carbon emissions by 55% since 2010 through initiatives to reduce carbon and introduce renewal energy sources to our buildings and streetlighting. The Council has produced its Carbon Action Plan7 to set out how it will achieve carbon neutrality by 2025 and how…

… investment related actions that the council can take to use less energy and fuel, and improve efficiency. • Increase Low Carbon Energy Supply - Alongside a reduction in energy demand, it is necessary to improve the supply of energy by using renewable sources. This includes both a council and borough-wide focus for action, as measures will commonly deliver benefits at scale that can provide…

…; including making effective use of land, helping to improve biodiversity, using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy. At the heart of the NPPF and the Cheshire East Local Plan is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. This is set out in the Local Plan Strategy…

… petrol, diesel or hybrid cars in the UK will be brought forward from 2040 to 2035, and could come even earlier if possible. Electric vehicles provide an opportunity to reduce carbon emissions and other vehicle emissions. Electric Vehicles will become ever more popular, with experts forecasting that the purchase price of electric vehicles will reach rough parity with fossil fuel cars…

… the relative contribution of all activity to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025. OFFICIAL 7 May 2020 In order to ensure that this level of emissions is reached, each service area within the Council will be allocated a carbon budget and will be required to develop a costed implementation plan to deliver this. Progress against these carbon budgets will be reported though the Council’s…


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