Including 10 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and low carbon sector.
…) Agriculture Waste Cherwell District Council LULUCF 5 Carbon neutral council 2 car-sharing working meetings agile virtualResilience The council, residents and businesses alike have all adapted to the global COVID-19 pandemic. We can see that some of these adaptations also reduce carbon emissions. As we emerge, you will see us maintain and build upon that resilience by: Developing digital…
…% heating to be renewable New housing to meet the highest energy standards Alongside a range of local partners Cherwell District Council is a signatory to OxLEP’s Oxfordshire Energy Strategy. No single partner owns all the workstreams in the energy strategy. The low carbon investment required is estimated at £300m annually with the potential to add £1.35bn and 11,000 jobs to the Oxfordshire…
… Community groups and Parish Councils in best practice and advice Support business networks in showcasing business best practice and innovation in the low carbon sector Encourage improvements in carbon intensity of local agriculture and food consumed, in conjunction with the Oxfordshire Healthy Place Shaping principles Seek to influence national policy for additional support for business making…
…, working with suppliers, ensuring our policies enable others to make low-carbon choices, and working with partners and businesses. It requires new roles and collaboration, alongside technical solutions and investment. The following principles will help us realise and maximise the multiple benefits from our action on climate change: Transforming Cherwell 3 A Climate Active Council…
… their role Our decisions consider carbon impacts Directors and managers have a low-carbon vision for their services All staff act as ambassadors for climate action with our partners. Our approach will require new relationships with our stakeholders, both new expectations and engagement with our supply chain, and a review of where we are best placed to support others to take action. Holding…