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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 14 closely related terms such as carbon economy, low carbon economy, and low carbon technologies.

1 result

Shropshire Council - Unitary

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… both locally and globally. Targets on emissions are not straightforward because the causes of emissions are not straightforward and there isn't yet a full understanding of the impacts that such targets would have on the economy and the health and wellbeing of our population. However, there is an urgent need to achieve significant emission reductions and the transition to a low carbon economy

… their prosperity. The choices we make now will determine whether we can deliver on our obligations, and the extent to which we can do so in a way which is also socially progressive; c. We will support skills and training which allow our communities and businesses to benefit from Shropshire’s transition to a low carbon economy. Shropshire Council Corporate Climate Strategy 2020 8 February 2021 9…

… the transition to net-zero carbon performance is also likely to generate revenue savings from greater efficiency. b. Once sufficient information has been assembled, the business case for individual investment projects will demonstrate their financial viability and feasibility in both the short and long terms. Shropshire Council has already invested in a range of low carbon technologies that have provided…

… power or funding allocations of others like the Marches LEP and its members to favour low carbon initiatives and products. Assemble and publish evidence a. Better local evidence is needed to identify the most effective targets for intervention and investment. We have significant gaps in knowledge and this includes the impacts of choosing one net zero carbon deadline over any other…

… and resources vi. Carbon tracking and reporting 9.3 Through its regulatory role and procurement decisions, Shropshire Council is in a position to make a strong positive contribution to help the wider Shropshire community make a positive transition to a low carbon future. For example, the draft Local Plan includes policies which help to reinforce the need for energy efficiency and carbon reduction…


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