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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 9 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and low carbon energy.

1 result

Chelmsford City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… policies to cut emissions also have associated health, wellbeing and economic benefits; That a growing number of UK local authorities have already passed 'Climate Emergency' motions. Council therefore resolves to: o Declare a ‘Climate and Ecological Emergency’ that requires urgent action to make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030; o Achieve 100% low carbon energy across…

… to incorporate sustainable design features to reduce CO2 and NO2 emissions and the use of natural resources [including putting in place a low carbon infrastructure in strategic growth areas] Coordinator: Claire Stuckey Target to achieve Progress a. Update the existing ‘Making Places’ Supplementary Planning Document to provide further guidance on how on-site renewable energy measures can…

… duty to monitor air quality in the area and take action where air quality exceeds the air quality objectives set by Government Policies included in the Local Plan to encourage air quality mitigation measures in new development and ensure suitable low carbon infrastructure is provided in growth areas e. Update and refresh the Chelmsford City Council’s Travel Plan setting out the actions…

…) Establishing a ‘green investment fund’ to support the Council’s environment plan Coordinator: Alison Chessell Target to achieve Progress a. Create a new ‘zero carbon communities’ grant scheme where local communities can bid for funding for initiatives that will help them lower carbon emissions in their area New Community Funding Scheme launched in October 2019. ‘Our Plan’ themes [fairer…

… … providing attractive, high quality green spaces and public spaces that are clean, safe and easily accessible for all … managing in a sustainable way to help reduce energy consumption and waste and help preserve natural resources ‘Our Plan’ includes a specific action to develop a new environmental plan promoting a sustainable approach to growth and development, everyday living and a low carbon


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