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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 9 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Bolsover District Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… of suitability, with clear identification of any opportunities or potential risks. This project will be jointly commissioned with North East Derbyshire District Council and funded through a Low Carbon Skills grant of £20,000. Theme 3 – Low Carbon Fleet 1.4 A demonstration of a BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) was undertaken during 2019 to establish suitability for utilisation in the Council’s…

… to the most vulnerable Council Tenants so that a modern affordable heating system can be installed. This is forecast 50 properties at £80,000 from CAW. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging point – An EV charging station has been installed at The Arc as part of the council’s efforts to support the community to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. The charging station is a rapid charging…

… from high energy efficiency boilers. This investment is estimated to reduce carbon emissions by approximately 4054 tonne per year whilst saving residents in the region of £881,980 per annum. District heating improvements - We are currently undertaking a programme to replace in-efficient district heating systems with new boilers, insulated pipework and individual heat units to our…

… contractor. This investment is estimated to reduce carbon emissions by approximately 5806 tonne per year whilst saving residents in the region of £1,263,000 per annum. The housing improvement work outlined above have, in some cases, been underway for a number of years. However, the above provides an outline of the considerable progress to date and the impact of continued investment on energy…

… emissions by a further estimated 741 tonnes per annum which is a greater reduction than the whole corporate target of a 750 tonne reduction over a period of 3 years. 2.4 The Council has numerous options where it can invest to reduce carbon emissions and contribute towards its climate change objectives. However, each investment decision has differing potentials in carbon reduction terms…


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