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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 11 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon saving.

1 result

Lincolnshire County Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… Aiming to achieve a further 20% reduction in emissions by 2023   Reduced our footprint by 14,504 tonnes of carbon and reduced related costs by £9.4 million Cumulative carbon savings over the past 5 years have reached 37,010 tonnes of carbon Looking ahead to CMP 3, which sets out our strategy and action plan for continuing to reduce carbon emissions over the next 5 years 2 Why…

… is carbon management important to LCC? Climate Change Act: LCC believes that our activities shall align to the 80% emissions reduction target by 2050 and any future international/national commitments Leadership: Implementing this plan will demonstrate that LCC is committed to an innovative and creative approach to reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change Cost savings: Implementing…

… The projects we will implement to reduce carbon emissions include: Heating/cooling system upgrades Lighting upgrades and improved lighting controls Deployment of zero-carbon technologies Installation of efficient LED lighting technology across LCC owned buildings, alongside the replacement of Sodium Street Lighting Ballasts to LED fittings. Upgrading to LED fittings will help to achieve savings…

… an effective carbon management plan will help to save money on the cost of energy, water, transport and waste and contribute to the efficient use of Council resources Reputation: Our creative and innovative approach will stimulate a regional low carbon transition and strengthen relationships between the public sector and local businesses, while enhancing the public image of the Council. Building…

… increase from £10.7m to £14.2m by 2023 – an increase of approx. £3.5m. Achieving a 20% reduction in carbon emissions over the whole five years could result in cumulative savings of £12.4m (as shown by hatched area). Estimates include a prediction of energy/resource price inflation of 4% annually, hence even in a 20% reduction scenario, overall prices increase. 7 Planned carbon saving projects…


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