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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 15 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and low carbon fuel.

1 result

Gloucester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in their carbon footprint depending on the energy needed to extract and transport them to source. Battery power, while not renewable, is an essential part of low carbon electricity use, as low carbon energy can be stored when not needed to be fed back into the grid at peak time. 3.12 Alternative fuels Gas does not have to be fossil fuel derived. For example, the food waste from Gloucester is sent…

… ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions. This road map and associated projects and proposals are the first step in achieving these targets. 7.2 While the quick wins will be worked on, the longer term projects will need to come back to Cabinet in the Autumn, along with a detailed carbon budget, so we can begin to understand in a detailed manner just what is needed to be done. 8.0 Future Work…

… describes Carbon Accounting before moving on to the broad principles of addressing Climate Change. It sets out a timetable for developing a revised Climate Change strategy. However, acknowledging that time is running out to further reduce carbon emissions, the appendix details a series of quick wins that we intend to investigate and implement over the coming months whilst a strategy is developed…

… in our building is not lost to atmosphere through insulation. 3.11 Generate Clean Energy No energy is entirely carbon free, but clearly renewables such as wind, hydro and solar are very low carbon and the City and Council should be looking to maximise use of such energy sources for its consumption. Ground source heat pumps rely on low carbon electricity to drive them and bio-fuels will vary…

… to an anaerobic digester where it is made into gas and fertilizer. There are other fuels such as hydrogen that can be made from water or indeed fossil derived gas. As long as the energy used to make them is low carbon, then they are low carbon fuels. Hydrogen is certainly put forward by some as the fuel of the future. 3.13 Adaptation Even if we stopped carbon emissions tomorrow, the earth would still warm…


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