Including 11 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and low carbon energy.
… Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Constraints and Opportunities Assessment (December 2015) ......................................................................................................................... 5 Legislation and policy context on climate change ....................................................................... 5 Reducing overheating in buildings…
… in Public. Policy CC1 of the Plan sets out the Council’s development strategy on climate change: Policy CC1: Responding to Climate Change 1. The Council will seek to reduce carbon emissions, and the impacts of the Borough on climate change by encouraging greater levels of sustainability through development, and by putting measures in place that encourage individuals within the community…
… ‘Sustainable Buildings’ Policy CC7 ‘Renewable Energy Infrastructure’ September 2020 5 Local Plan Evidence Base 2.5. The evidence which was used to help inform the climate change strategy (Policy CC1) in the Local Plan include the following: Renewable Energy Options Topic Paper March 2017 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Constraints and Opportunities Assessment December 2015…
… at the Burnt Mills Industrial Estate. In addition, it considered representations received at the public consultation on the Draft Local Plan 2016 and recommended subsequent changes to climate change policies for the Submission Plan which were subsequently incorporated and formed part of the RPLP submitted in March 2019. Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Constraints and Opportunities Assessment…
… (December 2015) 2.7. This paper was prepared for the purposes of informing the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan, consulted upon in 2016. The document sought to assess the opportunities and constraints for renewable and low carbon energy generation with Basildon Borough, which included: Onshore wind energy Solar arrays Biomass Microgeneration District Heating and Combined Heat…