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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 8 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon emissions.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… initiatives and projects to encourage walking, cycling, use of public transport and car sharing and to reduce carbon emissions from transport, improve air quality and create a transport network which supports a mobile, affordable low-carbon future and ensure that the transport network operates safely and efficiently to meet the needs of all users. Wandsworth will be an easy place to use, own…

… a track record in piloting new and innovative approaches and we will build on this as well as making sure we are learning from experimentation and innovation elsewhere, using new ideas and experiences to deliver the strategy. We will explore how we can make funding available for community projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions, increasing sustainability and improving the environment. We…

… and development approach is robust on our requirements around climate change and environmental issues so that development in the borough is low carbon, sustainable and does not negatively impact on the environment. • We will drastically reduce the amount of waste we produce as an organisation and enhance our community leadership role to help and support residents and businesses to reduce, reuse and recycle…

Low carbon generation Carbon capture Sources of last resort Offset to compensate Objectives Our objective is to improve the Council’s energy efficiency performance by complying with all relevant government legislation, policies and planning instruments, and by meeting obligations required for UK Government environmental and sustainability reporting. We aim to decrease our environmental…

… for energy efficiency, sustainability and innovative approaches to redevelopment. We will work with pension funds and other investors to reduce our carbon footprint by increasing investment in energy efficiency, low carbon transport and low carbon heat solutions. There is a legal requirement for the Wandsworth Pension Fund to detail how it approaches environmental, social and governance issues…


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