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Search results for "low carbon economy"

Including 5 closely related terms such as carbon, low carbon, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Bristol City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… taking action as individuals and communities, and they support changes to the city which would help them to reduce carbon emissions, such as better public transport. However, this strategy demonstrates the scale, pace and breadth of change needed. To enable this change, we need all our citizens and communities to create, shape and be part of the city transformation. Citizens should…

… to engage with harder to reach communities, this could be through culture, music, dance and sport. - City engagement on how climate change is affecting Bristol now and what a future emission scenarios would actually look like. Using this to explore steps to take to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change to build community resilience. - Working with all partners who have…

… of concern, with 77% of people in Bristol concerned about congestion and air quality. However, 57,000 people walk or cycle to work, and the number of people cycling to work in Bristol increased by 64% between 2011 (15,800) and 2018 (25,900). In 2018, the Low Carbon Environmental Goods and Services sector supported about 14,000 employee jobs in Bristol and about 37,000 in the West of England…

…. The Bristol Natural History Consortium (BNHC) reflects the fact that the BBC’s natural history unit is in Bristol. Indeed, we have a long history of organisations based in the city with clear remits to improve our environment, such as Sustrans, the Soil Association, the Environment Agency headquarters and the Centre for Sustainable Energy. We have a thriving Low Carbon Environmental Goods…


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